Friday, May 20, 2005


Ending the filibuster.....

Also known as the “nuclear option”……..the republican party has decided that the rules of the senate, that have served us well for all these years, must go. This is a critical point in our history because what they are proposing to do will completely destroy our system of checks and balances. When I was talking with a friend today she was confused about what this talk of “nuclear option” was. The phrase was coined by Trent Lott in May of 2003.
……The Hill quoted Lott using the term in a May 21, 2003, article: "'I'm for the nuclear option,' said Lott. 'The filibuster of federal judges cannot stand.'" And a June 25, 2003, Roll Call article quoted Lott saying of the nuclear option: "I am an advocate of that ... The Democrats are going to stop this or we are going to have to go nuclear."

When the phrase didn’t poll well, as they started this latest assault, they changed it to the “constitutional option”. But they didn’t stop there. They started attributing the phrase “nuclear Option” to the democrats. They all stayed on message and soon the press was also attributing the democrats.

The beauty of our system of government is that the minority always has a voice. And considering that the last election showed us to be split pretty much right down the middle we are a LARGE minority.

Senators Byrd and Kerry gave amazing speechs on the senate floor yesterday. Senator Byrd’s history lesson should have brought every American to their senses!

Senator Kerry was very presidential….

This is a power grab that must be resisted. If you feel as I do, go up and support the democrats who are fighting as if our democracy depended on it.


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