Friday, December 28, 2007


Caucus 101

as a relatively new caucus attendee (once in the 1980's and i think 5 or 6 others were present. and then 2004, 2006 and now 2008) it's kind of a watch one, do one , teach one situation. i am squarely in favor of the caucus system for the party to select it's delegates and choose our nominee for president.
since we have a 2 party system, and i will only have one choice, i want people who are paying enough attention to suit up and show up for 4 hours once every 4 years to be the ones who decide who my one choice will this point in time i am absolutely certain the republicans will not be offering anyone i could consider. now, if all the sudden they ran Scott Ritter or John Dean, i would have to reconsider....but for now, it's going to be a democrat.
Since we don't even declare parties, a primary in the State of Washington would be a corporate media wet dream.
so till we declare parties, have publically financed campaigns, maybe a little instant run off voting or, god forbid, proportional representation, i want people who are willing to suit up and show up deciding my party's presidential nominee.
America is far from that level of participation. democracy is not the spectator sport we are currently enjoying. my theory is we are too comfortable and distracted. i don't really look forward to the day we get uncomfortable but i believe nothing much will change till then....

i do hope we will have good participation on Feb 9th.

more information at Whatcom Democrats

and this GREAT post on Washblog by Noemie (the caucus 101 part)

Washington's Presidential Caucuses and Primary: Access, Democracy, Relevancy
By noemie maxwell Thu Dec 27, 2007 at 01:37:57 PM PST Section: Washington State Topic: Presidential Caucus and Primary

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