Thursday, June 15, 2006


NO on Initiative 933

No on I-933
I think we need to follow the native wisdom saying we should look ahead 7 generations to make the right decisions, ensuring a hospitable home for those to come. Initiative 933 takes us full speed ahead in the wrong direction. Small municipalities will not be able to enforce environmental regulations and it will cripple planning. Cities, counties and state agencies cannot charge a fee to claimants. Processing, studies, and litigation will be entirely shouldered by the taxpayer for claims made. The result will be "waive or pay.
"This initiative is backed by out of state special interests. According to the Public Disclosure Commission, Americans for Limited Government, a group based in Illinois, has contributed $200,000.
Environmental protections are under assault at the federal level. We need to protect the State of Washington. This initiative will open the door for special interests to "do as they please." The "Property fairness initiative" is anything but.
Some people think Washington State will always be a beautiful place to live. It won’t be unless we citizens protect it. If I-933 passes, Whatcom County could resemble L.A. Say NO to unrestricted development with no regard to those who come after us. Say NO to Initiative-933.(soon to be letter to editor...)

NO on Initiative 933

Grassroots Kick-off
When: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., on Sat., June 24th
Where: Boundary Bay Brewery & Bistro, 1107 Railroad Ave. in Bellingham
Who: Everyone in the community. Families are welcome to attend.
To RSVP or for more information: Katie Ward, or 206.245.5644

the Bellingham Herald had this to say......

OUR VIEW Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Property compensation: Who would have to pay?

Supporters of a new initiative that would require the government to compensate property owners for land-use laws must answer a lot of questions before they hope to get public support. Last week the Washington Farm Bureau filed an initiative it calls the "Property Fairness Initiative." The initiative would require the government to compensate property ownersfor agency regulations that adversely affect the value of land. It would be retroactive, requiring payment for any regulation put in place since January 1996 that property owners
can prove adversely affected their land values. Supporters have until June 7 to try to collect about 235,000 signatures in order to get the initiative on the November ballot. We suggest people thinking of signing the initiative ask a lot of questions. For example: To which regulations does the initiative apply? .....
full article


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