Monday, February 18, 2008


Dear Democrats..............

The caucus and events surrounding it have driven me to speak out in the hope we really can save our Democracy..........

Dear Democrats,
The corporatists have been very successful selling a spectator democracy to us. Moving to the primary to send delegates on to the national convention, in an open primary state, will seal the deal in Washington State.

Our party should not consider using the primary until we publically declare parties. Even then I don't quite get how that would work. The nominees are the choices on the ballot. Who are the delegates? Hmmm....anyway......if anyone thinks we could move to other than the open primary, after the fact, doesn't understand how indoctrinated a fairly large portion of our society is. My parents are trained to hiss and growl if anyone dares suggest they have to declare a party. This crosses party lines. The marketing in this area has been a huge success.

The presidential nominating primary came to Washington in an initiative delivered to the legislature in 1988 by the very party elite everybody says they're against. It passed in the legislature in 1989. As we are a membership of voluntary association, supported by our donations, a large part of the grassroot work done by some amazing volunteers, we retain the right to decide how we advance candidates to nomination. We want our party to insist on represention by representatives who also believe in a society where all boats are raised.

If the corporatists prevail and we give up our caucus for the primary in this open primary state we will never get it back. In spite of the large price tag of $9,700,000 to the taxpayer, their marketing appears to be working well.

Me...........I want to press the flesh and look eyeball to eyeball with my neighbors. I want to keep our democracy. I want to build our neighborhoods and communities. I want a world that is safe, secure and prosperous for all inhabitants of earth. I pledge to work to make our caucus better than ever in 2 years. Let's make our platform the best ever. And every 2 years we can make it great. I want a participatory democracy in real good working order to pass on to those who come after. We have got a lot of work to do and we all need to roll up our sleeves!!!!! I believe we can!!!!!

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