Monday, July 13, 2009


in support of Don Siegelman

i sent these emails to:
Tim Kaine Chairman,
Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SEWashington, DC 20003 202-863-8000 email
and Rahm Emanuel (Hon. Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff to President Obama, The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 202-456-1111
fax: 202-456-2461 email

today on behalf of Don Siegelman who is facing more prison time as a result of this travesty of "justice" perpetrated by the previous administration and if there ever needed to be change this is screaming for attention.....

Dear Hon. Tim Kaine

i am writing to ask you to please help to ensure that President Obama's, not bush and roves procecuters, decide the fate on Don Siegelman.

Please do everything possible to influence Eric Holder to remove the partison prosecuters involved.

remove Leura Canary and her prosecutors NOW....please

thank you
peggy borgens PCO
Ferndale wa 118

Dear Rahm Emanuel.,
i am writing to ask you to please help to ensure the President Obama's, not bush and roves procecuters, decide the fate on Don Siegleman.

remove Leura Canary and her prosecutors NOW....please

thank you
peggy borgens PCO
Ferndale wa 118

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