Sunday, November 30, 2008


dear #4

Dear #4

I’m sure this is hard to contemplate, but if we are going to have any real change it’s time to face up to our past. The example we have provided for years by covert operations, carried out all over the third world, and currently in our illegal wars, secret detentions, extraordinary rendition, and torture does not make us any kind of beacon of hope. It certainly does not make us safer.

I’m ashamed, as I enjoy the luxury of plenty in this country, knowing that many of resources have been taken from countries who had no way to protect their resources and, if they tried, the blood flowed as a warning to step away from what the corporation involved were after.

And that doesn’t even count the profiteering involved in providing arms and procuring lucrative government no-bid contracts.

And now former military brass, who lobby for corporations seeking these contracts, are marketing all this to the American people when they are hired as “talking heads” on our tv machines. If we are really about change, it’s time to face our own past and make some serious restitution and hold those responsible accountable.

This is a defining moment. We either live by the rule of law or we don’t. If we don’t hold the people accountable for these crimes against humanity, it’s just business as usual. This will lead to no future for anyone’s children here on planet Earth.

peggy borgens PCO Ferndale 118

Thursday, November 13, 2008


dear #3 Flex Fuel Plug in Hybrids

Thom Hartmann’s plan for the auto industry is the best I’ve heard yet. Immediate move to production of flex fuel plug in hybrid vehicle.

The cost of the 10kwh battery used in other countries, produced here would go from $7000 to $2000. Most trips made by people in our country are 10 miles or fewer for a round trip. This change makes every gallon of gas last for 100 miles. When you change to 20% gas, 80% ethanol/methanol that gallon of gas lasts for 500 miles.

This addresses the auto industry bailout, climate change, resource depletion (worldwide peak oil, which has already happened or will in the next 10 minutes) and the destructive strategic value of oil.
It seems the oil and auto lobbyists are the drivers of years of shameless, criminal policy because oil is subsidized. Currently there is a tax on resources to make flex fuels and no tax on imported oil. Aid to dependent corporations is what I heard Robert Reich calls it. My question is WHY? This is not the lead in to my conspiracy theory. This is an honest question. We can fight and die and destroy our home, planet earth, or we can work with the other humans on earth to save it. Send oil the way of whale oil, strip it of it's strategic value.

This plan is a real leap forward.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


election results

the washington state site is a great site for election results from all counties including ours... here


Hope won!!!!!!! and dear #1 & 2

what a year!!!....i have been blogging mostly at Washington Outsiders and here is the election day celebration here in Ferndale...
since the caucus in february thru the election Democrats have stepped up....the office was a hub of activity with calls being made.....there was an excitement i've not seen before and the young folks getting involved has been an inspiration in tough times.....
our work has just begun....we must push our representatives to do the right thing and get their back when they do....

i have begun to communicate with the administration-elect at ...... i will take them at their word and will be communicating regularly....i will post these communications here...even if i am the only one who ever reads it.....

#2 the economy and environment
i liked your plan to allow us to withdraw $10,000 from our retirement accounts without penalty or taxes. i will be withdrawing it anyway but it could really help. this year at 60 1/2 i had no penalty but taxes. i invested in a new roof this year. great
investment and i employed a young contractor in my community.
also appoint Robert Kennedy Jr to the best position you have to affect environmental policy.
we need to immediately add the externalities to the price of energy production and resource use and immediately all the right practices are winners in the market. and that's without absorbitant subsidy.


peggy borgens PCO Ferndale 118

#1 was regarding the auto industry bailout(didn't save).....i would like to see strings attached....fuel standards way up...not some token 29 in 10 years or something....also smaller cars....lot's O' barrels of oil use to make one vehicle. (soooo bit my tongue here, we should be making car bodies out of hemp's stronger, renewable and can be composted when the car is we'll save that for another day....all you have to do is say "hemp" to an elected official and watch them start scanning the room for the exit) we need the jobs and transportation. we just need to adjust our lifestyle like our lives and childrens lives depend on it!!!...our planet cannot sustain our current consumption of resources.

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