Sunday, November 15, 2009


Representative Rick Larsen visits 42nd Legislative District

thanks to Rick and Brooke for fitting us in. Rick spoke about the healthcare legislation in progress and the economy and took questions. after Rick and Brooke left we had a lively and, in my opinion very productive meeting. thanks everybody !!!!!

Representative Rick Larsen visits 42nd Legislative District

video here

Monday, July 13, 2009


in support of Don Siegelman

i sent these emails to:
Tim Kaine Chairman,
Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SEWashington, DC 20003 202-863-8000 email
and Rahm Emanuel (Hon. Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff to President Obama, The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 202-456-1111
fax: 202-456-2461 email

today on behalf of Don Siegelman who is facing more prison time as a result of this travesty of "justice" perpetrated by the previous administration and if there ever needed to be change this is screaming for attention.....

Dear Hon. Tim Kaine

i am writing to ask you to please help to ensure that President Obama's, not bush and roves procecuters, decide the fate on Don Siegelman.

Please do everything possible to influence Eric Holder to remove the partison prosecuters involved.

remove Leura Canary and her prosecutors NOW....please

thank you
peggy borgens PCO
Ferndale wa 118

Dear Rahm Emanuel.,
i am writing to ask you to please help to ensure the President Obama's, not bush and roves procecuters, decide the fate on Don Siegleman.

remove Leura Canary and her prosecutors NOW....please

thank you
peggy borgens PCO
Ferndale wa 118

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Growth Management: Whatcom 2031, Comprehensive Plan Update

our last meeting we discussed: Growth Management: Whatcom 2031, Comprehensive Plan Update
Whatcom 2031 reflects a 20-year prospective look at our community by the Planning Services Division of Whatcom County. The citizens of Whatcom County are strongly encouraged to be informed and active in the series of long-range planning decisions the county will be considering over the next couple of years.

Whatcom County is working to update its policies and regulations for managing growth and development in rural areas. The purpose of this update is to ensure that the Rural Element section of the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan accurately reflects the values and expectations of county residents.

This program will focused on the urban growth areas (UGAs) and rural elements of Whatcom 2031. from 42nd LD site

Q&A Wrap up

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


constitution free zone ahead??

an important issue and we should be supporting this resolution would be so sad to see Pacific Northwest turn into a constitution free zone....

from the Jefferson County Democrats.......

At our January 27th Membership Meeting we adopted a resolution "to foster a reformed approach to securing our border that focuses on interdiction at the border, preserves constitutional protections and respects local law enforcement": for the full text, click here

If you witness a questionable act by the Border Patrol, you can click here for a printable form on which to document the incident.

really good information from the ACLU here.....

Using data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the ACLU has determined that nearly 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders.
The government is assuming extraordinary powers to stop and search individuals within this zone. This is not just about the border: This " Constitution-Free Zone" includes most of the nation's largest metropolitan areas.
We urge you to call on Congress to hold hearings on and pass legislation to end these egregious violations of Americans' civil rights.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Dear #6 stop the blasting of our planet to ruin!

Dear #6 stop the blasting of our planet to ruin!

As I was researching the water grab by t boone pickens, I came face to face with the barbaric practice of hydraulic fracture drilling used in the acquisition of natural gas. This is right up there with blowing the tops off of mountains to get the coal. These terrible practices must be stopped. We should immediately add the externalities. Citizens water supplies have been ruined. 92% of the chemicals used for “fracting” pose health hazards and are passed on in the huge amounts of water waste generated by this practice. And what about the huge amounts of our precious water resource used. These legacies will be past on to our children and their children. These greed driven profiteers owe our descendants. They should immediately be responsible for cleaning up their mess. THESE BARBARIC PRACTICES MUST BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!!!!
peggy borgens PCO
Ferndale 118

Saturday, December 13, 2008


42nd LD Dems Membership Mtg

We had our monthly meeting today and it was a celebration, a thank-you, and a lively discussion about our upcoming reorganization meeting coming up January 10,2009, at the Machinists Hall, 2064 Vista Dr. in Ferndale, WA. (10:00am-12:00pm) All the known candidates running for Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary were present. One possible candidate for vice chair was present and one was unable to attend. Both known candidates for State Committeeman and State Committeewoman were there. Thank you Rick for the amazing festive ambiance and meal..WOW! And thanks to everybody for all your hard work this last year and enthusiasm and good ideas going forward. It does my heart good to be associated with such a great group of people.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Dear Stephanie,

we had reorganization meeting last night at our regular monthly meeting of Whatcom County Democrats and Stephanie was elected our new State Committeewoman. Congratulations Stephanie and in the spirit of our great participatory democracy i will communicate with you and post these communication on my precinct blog........

Hi Stephanie....
big congrats on your new position!!! I look forward to having you carrying the message to the next group of us.... and a big tip of the hat to your willingness to do this...having to deal with other humans can be trying at times, but ultimately oh so rewarding!

I was interested in what you said about the primary dilemma.... as you know I feel
very protective about our voice.... and I know there will be changes.... my main concern is that people who actually consider themselves democrats are the folks
who select our party's payer funded state primaries are fraught with unintended consequences and the possibility of mischief.(operation chaos would have been a magnificent success in our state) I am less afraid of republicans than I am of corporatists and their media shills. One of their top skills is marketing and they have plenty o' $$$$$$$ and hire the best and brightest to influence us. One of their very successful talking points is that this is an election and not our party choosing our nominee. We are especially vulnerable because of our open-primary status.

There is already enormous pressure within our own party to move to the presidential primary to register our preference for our nominee. I would like to
see us continue with our caucus for presidential nomination. With that, I would like us to educate ourselves and be prepared to reach out to our known democrats in our precincts. Also I would like to see proxy available for any reason. The deadlines would be the same or perhaps moved up to make sure we get them all to precinct for the tally on caucus day. This would be a great compromise and move us to the 21-century with our voice strong.

As a PCO, I would personally send postcards to all my democrats in a timely manner so they could have their preference registered by proxy if needed. I would also be available to assist as needed. I realize more work is involved, but saving our voice is worth it, and one of the most critical legacies we pass on. I’m in the old geezer section and the legacy is one of my most important issues now.

Thanks to great younger folks like you and the next generation we now see showing up, I have a lot of hope.I am looking forward to our journey going forward.

Thanks Stephanie!!


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