Saturday, January 21, 2006


Alito nomination

this is my letter to several senators today.....i very much hope this nomination will be fought.

The Founding fathers rejected unitary executive power and we too must rise up against it. Our country has thrived under government by 3 co equal branches. Unchecked power will be abused. Isn’t it ironic that at a moment when there is a Y in the road, both the first time and now, George’s are involved. Today over-sight is out of sight. It is my hope that we can come together and restore our hope. In my America, we do not: torture, wage pre-emptive war based on lies, hold humans without charges- in limbo, allow the executive branch to break the law, attempt to dominate other peoples of the world and co-operate only when it’s convenient for us.
Confirming Alito will take us down the wrong path. If there is no fight there can be no win. This is the time for the Democrats to stand up and fight. He must be filibustered. I pray you have the votes.

Thank you,
Peggy Borgens
PCO Ferndale 118
Let your senator know how you feel.....
Senator Murray
Senator Cantwell

government contact page

let the democratic senators on the Judiciary Committee know they did a good job....and that we must win this fight!!!!

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