Tuesday, October 17, 2006


NO on Initiative 933

soon to be letter to the editor.......

Initiative 933 "property fairness act" is anything but fair. Contrary
to claims it protects farmland, it will lead to the paving over of it. It would
force us, taxpayers, to pay people to follow the rules or waive those rules.
Millions of dollars will be spent by taxpayers to process, study and possibly
litigate claims. Small municipalities and counties will not be able to afford to
pay, forcing us to waive protections. Some are federally mandated and can’t be
waived, forcing us to pay. This will lead to irresponsible development. This is
money we won’t have for needed services to benefit all of us.Much of the support
for this initiative comes from out of state big development seeking loopholes.
We will continue to have tough decisions about how we can all live together and
ensure everyone has clean drinking water, air and the ability to feed ourselves.
These decisions will affect the lives of those who come after us. This
initiative will favor a few to the detriment of most of the rest of us. Our
children and grandchildren will pay a huge price. Let's work together to find
real solutions. Vote no on Initiative 933.

and this from Robb...........
The handful of wealthy out-of-state developers who paid to put Initiative
933 on the ballot are trying a classic bait and switch ruse on Washington
voters. Check out www.howierichexposed.com. The bait is that they
want you to believe I-933 is about eminent domain. The trap is that I-933
contains absolutely no language addressing eminent domain issues.
I-933 would change Washington’s laws to allow large landowners and corporations to demand huge payouts from state and local taxpayers just by claiming that a law has
harmed the value of their property or business – no matter how important the law
may be or how far-fetched the claim.

Here’s one example of how the “taxpayer trap” would place all taxpayers in a LOSE-LOSE situation: Suppose a parcel of land contains frequently flooded areas or unstable hillsides that would limit development to 200 houses. Under I-933, a developer who wants to build 1,000 houses on it could demand payment for the value of the remaining 800 houses. If the local government cannot pay the developer, they would have to allow him to build the extra 800 houses – on land unsuited for development – and even if local community services and infrastructure would be overstrained by this development. We all pay for this, while large landowners and corporations reap windfall payouts.

I-933 also traps taxpayers into signing a blank check – with no limit on total costs. I-933 will drown government services in red tape, tie up our courts with lawsuits, and create a massive new bureaucracy to deal with the thousands of claims for money. The cost of lawsuits and payouts will rob local communities of billions of dollars now used to fund fire and police protection, paramedic response, schools, traffic congestion relief and other vital services.Say NO to the taxpayer trap.
Vote NO on I-933.

watch short video

more no on 933

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